So, I'm 22. (In that picture, I'm the baby. A new, fresh baby.)
It kind of snuck up on me. With all the traveling, I forgot about my approaching birthday, and it seems a bit surreal to have a different age. The past 365 days have been an unbelievable blur - a lot of things happened, as they should. I started drinking in public, got really involved with the Daily Beacon, moved off campus, learned how to be a Starbucks barista, prepared for six months abroad, miraculously passed all my classes, a serious relationship ended, said good bye to my friends and family, boarded an airplane, started speaking more slowly (for the non-native English speakers), repeatedly cycled in the rain, rode trains for hours on end and tried my damndest to document it all.
In an effort to ensure that the next 365 are as satisfying as the last, I made a list. Why a list? Because lists make me feel good. There's plenty of scientific research that supports my affirmation for bulleted documents like
"10 Reasons Why We Love Lists" on NPR.
This list has a few things that will be relatively easy and others that will need outside influences. If you are reading this and can provide assistance with anything, please, help a sista out and let me know. I'll update my progress each month (and I don't plan to leave it all until May 2015.)
Without further ado, here is my list of 23 things to do before I turn 23 -
[ ] ride in a sailboat or go canoeing
[ ] hold a lamb and ride a horse (spend a day on a farm?)
[ ] visit the lands of my ancestors
[ ] produce at least one zine
[ ] display photographs in an art gallery (first friday would be cool)
[ ] plant some seeds, watch them grow, replant into a bigger pot, keep it alive
[ ] spend the night under a blanket of stars - the more the better
[ ] DIY food (bread, mustard, pickles, etc.)
[ ] go on a blind date
[ ] have photographs/stories published somewhere other than the Beacon
[ ] maintain a vegan diet for a week (maybe even a month?)
[ ] make an official portfolio website / increase online community
[ ] find a favorite cocktail. learn how to make it at home
[ ] get the hell out of college (yikes.)
[ ] downsize
[ ] go to a theatrical production and a concert at least once a month
[ ] safely increase adrenaline (bungee jumping, swimming with sharks, etc.)
[ ] stay up an entire night and see the sunrise
[ ] discreetly skinny dip/streak (don’t tell my mother - or my aunts for that matter)
[ ] get another tattoo
[ ] take a weekly self-portrait
[ ] say yes as often as possible (without stretching myself too far or too thin)
[ ] AAAAAND survive the entire year