took some suggestions from erin...

and they did me right. She spent a semester in this beautiful city last year, so she had plenty to suggest. I was able to accomplish (slash avoid) four out of the seven things she proposed. So, if you're in Paris any time soon, take her word for it. 

And if you want to see her beautiful photographs, hop on over here.

[ ] Have a cafe creme at Telescope. Nicholas, the owner, is precious and speaks English which is comforting.

[ x ] Go wander through Montmartre.

[ x ] Go get a glass of wine at La Closerie des Lilas and pretend you're in a Hemingway book.

Perhaps not exactly the glass of wine she had in mind, but it accompanied the dessert perfectly.

[ ] Go see the Eiffel tower from the Trocadéro platform at night, do not do not go to the top of the tower. Much better to see it from the platform.

[ x ] Macaroons at Laduree are not overrated. Get a pretty box and feel like Marie Antoinette.

Not in a box, but definitely not overrated. Perfection. 

[ ] Do a lot of lounging in parks with cheese cheap wine (Places des Vosges is a good one and far less touristy.)

[ x ] If you get a pastry at "Paul" you are dead to me. It's like McDonalds compared to all the precious privately owned bakeries.

I guess I'll just have to come back to finish the list. 

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