last week's adventures, part five

I’ve gotta learn to prioritize self-reflection and documentation.

Monday, 10.5 - Praised the return of the sunshine, went to work at 1 p.m. and ventured to UMD to film for an FRN video. that was a fun adventure.
Tuesday, 10.6 - felt like a 90s child all day with the sock/shoe combo I rocked, sat on the floor of the kitchen, watching four of my five housemates cook at the same time.
Wednesday, 10.7 - said hello to some deer on my daily commute, made delicious indian food for dinner and pretended to be a thesaurus with perry.
Thursday, 10.8 - made the best cheesy chicken and rice dish with cauliflower and sage (which mr. b, man of no vegetables, loved), kind of saw Kurt Vile (tall men killin’ my vibes), walked through the city and had that “oh! these things connect? cool” feeling a lot.
Friday, 10.9 - packed my bags, headed to work, counted down the minutes until 4.30 when I headed towards the airport, lost some optimism when I got to the counter (15 minutes before the doors closed) and saw 11 people on the stand-by list.

I sat and said “hmph, guess I’m not going.” by some miracle, my name was called and the agent handed me a boarding pass. Halfway down the ramp, another agent stopped me and said “no, sorry, no more seats” but also told me to wait in that spot. So, I did. Then another agent summoned me back to the desk, where the boarding-pass-giver agent said “no, guys, there is a seat she will fit.” so the four of us walked back down the ramp, two of the agents boarded the plane but didn’t signal me to follow them so I awkwardly look at the flight attendant and then shrug. Finally, no-you-won’t-fit agent gets me and walks me to my seat. I sit down, thrilled to be on my way to the windy city and baffled by the chaos.

headed straight for revolution brewing where I chowed down on a hamburger and drank a beer that tasted perfectly of a bon fire. jonathan met me on the train platform and pulled me into an adventure. we headed to berlin for a halloween themed burlesque show and later to maria’s for “two shitty random shots and two shitty beers.”

Saturday, 10.10 - walked through bridgeport, looking for breakfast. snagged some pumpkin pastries from jackalope coffee, decided we were still hungry, walked to pleasant house bakery for a scotch egg and mash (jonathan ate a kale/mushroom pie). we headed downtown for a pop-up museum exhibit about the history of hot dogs (we’re both into food history, so we totally loved it.) then we drank beers on a roof before parting ways. I ventured to a tavern to eat dinner and watch the vols beat georgia! after a shot of jameson, my little belly start to ache so i ventured home and napped. we drank wine on the fire’scape and chilled our bones.

Sunday, 10.11 - hugged jonathan g’bye (for hopefully not forever), ate delicious pancakes before heading to the airport where I spent five hours waiting to fly home. I ate half a bag of garrett mix, letting the cheddar flavoring stain my fingers yellow, before finally deciding to fly to LGA then to DC (I got first class on the flight home, which means wine, which means everything was better.) I fell asleep as soon as I got home.