lafollette pt. 1

As a student in an advance photojournalism course at UT,
I traveled to LaFollette, TN - a trip my teacher has taken for 20 years.
Along with 16 other students, I documented the people
of this town in hopes of capturing the heart of the place.
"The best of the best" photos (Heller's choice)
were published by The LaFollette Press in a 16 page newspaper insert.
Eight of mine were included, and here are all of my shots.


Edith Stagnola

Hubert Rutherford

 Jessie Ramirez

Janice Burris


Rhoda Jordan - Meals on Wheels

 Juanita Dupuy - Meals on Wheels

 Ella Smith - Meals on Wheels


 Nellie Farmer

Eddie Coffey

 Phillip Farmer

PS - there are four more parts.
We spent thirty hours in LaFollete,
and you know I took more than eleven pictures.
Stay tuned.