amsterdam, feb. 25 - part two

After our field trip, we decided to stay in the city and make the most of our discounted train tickets. When there are 12 of you and no real destination, you meander and feel like a tourist. "We're not tourists, we're journalists" was the mantra of the afternoon.

Henni documenting the sassiest bird in the whole world.

The palace that no one lives in.

More sassy birds - he did not like how close I was


Cormac found a street performer/bubble blower

Cheese is safe for travel//we sampled almost of all them

An impeccably timed candid photo of Henni//she was not posing with her mouth open
We were in a space that was hosting a design festival//lots of neat furniture and home goods

Canal at dusk

The adventure was utterly exhausting. Five days later, I travelled to another Dutch city where I took DSLR pictures. These past two posts have been made possible thanks to my trusty iPhone. 
Over and out (and of course: stay tuned.)

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