liege, belgium // part one

After Brussels, I spent two days in Liege. 
Made a friend and explored the city with him. 
Here's the first half of the batch.

Liege's new train station resembles a whale sitting in the skyline. 
Here's a view of the inside.

Sure, let's climb ten thousand steps.

 Huffing and puffing, we sat at the top of our mountain and admired the view.

 Mountain-top community garden
 Cathedrals offer rainbows

 And bell towers to sneakily climb.
"Come on, we'll play the tourist trick to avoid any trouble."
"Alright, I'll follow you." ...up ten thousand more steps.

Belgium is known for it's waffles, but the Liege style is by far the best.
With sugar chunks in the batter, this dense, sweet treat 
hit the spot so well, I got another the next day.


Apologies for the belated posts, dear readers. 
Doin' my best to catch you all up before May begins.
Three weeks of non-stop travel awaits me.

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